Table en rotin Romane
En location : Table en rotin, 4 personnes. Pour évènement, mariage, pop up, shooting, press day, …
Saut de cheval
Ancien cheval de saut en bois. Hauteur réglable, 4 niveaux (71cm, 51cm, 34cm, 18cm). Très bon état, excellente stabilité.
Etagère en rotin Estelle
Etagère en rotin à 4 plateaux. Idéal pour créer vos ambiances, mariage, soirée, vitrine, salon, événement, shooting, press day, … Très bon état, bonne stabilité.
Kit de plongée
Kit de plongée La Spirotechnique composé de : Un tuba Une montre Une boussole Une lampe torche Un couteau Un masque Un sac 2 poids de leste 2 combinaisons de…
Peacock Headboard
Beautiful headboard in rattan Peacok. White. Vintage. Perfect condition.
Rattan coat rack
For rent : Rattan and bamboo coat rack. 8 pegs. Perfect condition.
Matisse coat rack
For rent: Black turned wood coat rack. In very good condition and stable.
Coat rack Mathieu
For rent: Coat rack in chromed metal, from the 1950s. In very good condition and stable.
Coat rack Matthéo
For rent : Nice vintage coat rack “notes de musique”, in black metal from the 50’s, with 8 multicolored wooden balls, design furniture Roger Feraud. In very good condition and…
Coat rack Mathias
For rent : Tubular coat rack in excellent condition. Black bakeline coat hook. Can be disassembled in 3 pieces. Ideal to create your atmosphere, wedding, party, showcase, event, shooting, press…
Rattan plant holder
For rent : Rattan plant holder very original. 3 independent rattan pots (15x15x14) which are installed in the plant holder. Very stable on its 3 feet. Very good condition.
Wooden hanger (55)
For rent : Wooden hangers.