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Old trade counter 3

If there were to be a top three for trade furniture, the countertop would be a must. It sets the tone in a store with its triumphant presence. The side reserved for the shopkeeper often has storage solutions, such as drawers, cupboards with or without doors and a shelf where everything can be placed out of sight of customers. Sought-after piece because rare, it adds an undeniable cachet to the place that will adopt it. Contact us for any information

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Donec accumsan auctor iaculis. Sed suscipit arcu ligula, at egestas magna molestie a. Proin ac ex maximus, ultrices justo eget, sodales orci. Aliquam egestas libero ac turpis pharetra, in vehicula lacus scelerisque. Vestibulum ut sem laoreet, feugiat tellus at, hendrerit arcu..

Nunc lacus elit, faucibus ac laoreet sed, dapibus ac mi. Maecenas eu ante a elit tempus fermentum. Aliquam commodo tincidunt semper. Phasellus accumsan, justo ac mollis pharetra, ex dui pharetra nisl, a scelerisque ipsum nulla ac sem. Cras eu risus urna. Duis lorem sapien, congue eget nisl sit amet, rutrum faucibus elit.

Donec accumsan auctor iaculis. Sed suscipit arcu ligula, at egestas magna molestie a. Proin ac ex maximus, ultrices justo eget, sodales orci. Aliquam egestas libero ac turpis pharetra, in vehicula lacus scelerisque. Vestibulum ut sem laoreet, feugiat tellus at, hendrerit arcu.

Nunc lacus elit, faucibus ac laoreet sed, dapibus ac mi. Maecenas eu ante a elit tempus fermentum. Aliquam commodo tincidunt semper. Phasellus accumsan, justo ac mollis pharetra, ex dui pharetra nisl, a scelerisque ipsum nulla ac sem. Cras eu risus urna. Duis lorem sapien, congue eget nisl sit amet, rutrum faucibus elit.

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